Corporate Superannuation Services
Plan 4 Strategic Advice is a leading financial solutions provider that works with large and small companies to improve their employee’s financial future and strive to become employers of choice. These employers believe that quality superannuation and insurance offerings are key benefits in attracting and retaining employees. Clients benefit from:- A suite of services to help employers with compliance requirements such as fund reports or policy committees;
- A complete education program conducted for members; and
- Assistance with enquiries and administration at both the employer and member level.
Corporate Employer & Member Education Services
We want to ensure that both employees and employers are properly engaged with their superannuation offer and that it is relevant to their needs. Next to owning a home, for many people superannuation is their biggest asset. We aim to build knowledge of superannuation and investment options through member seminars and regular communications, fact sheets, one-on-one support and newsletters. We also offer a more targeted level of education, guiding members to appreciate how superannuation fits into the broader context of financial planning. Services provided to employees include:- Seminars on superannuation and default fund up-dates
- Educational seminars on super strategies
- Tailored seminars on financial topics requested by employees
- Discounted health insurance via super, or packages directly from health insurers that have been tailored for our clients.
- Special mortgage offers
- Online newsletters
If you have any comments or queries, please contact us on: